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You can try the API directly from the documentation, or you can use other application (e.g. PostMan)

To use the API you will need to send 3 Headers in the request, as required in the documentation: X-AppTenant, X-AppId and X-AppSecret

You can also check our open source site and check some examples of using the API: https://github.com/SkillsWorkflow/api-demos

If you need to, please request the test (UAT) environment credentials for your Agency:

  • X-AppTenant
  • X-AppId
  • X-AppSecret

Example on how to get all companies:


GET call for all companies

The API is constantly evolving (but never having breaking changes):

  • If you need something that you do not find in the API, do not hesitate to ask and we will analyze the feasibility of adding to the API


API Documentation